Dallas Johnson
Team Tribe
Disc Golf Career
Started Disc Golf in 2020
How did you discover Disc Golf?
I played a couple of rounds years ago with my cousin and nephews but was throwing ultimate discs. In 2020, another one of my cousins took my sister and I out to a course to play and I saw a disc golf disc fly for what felt like the first time out of my hand. I immediately looked up what courses were near me and bought some of my own discs. What really made me fall in love was the way different discs fly and how its a lot of times out in nature. A perfect mix of exercise and mental clarity.
What is your proudest Disc Golf moment?
I would have to say encouraging and uplifting fellow disc golfers. Aces are awesome, cool shots are great, but growing with and helping others in the community is so much more than the fleeting feelings of a single shot or tournament. I would say the relationships I have built are what I am most proud of.
What are your practice routines?
It can change from time to time but practice putting has become a big part of my routine. I also love stretching and mobility so I try to always include some stretching and mobility movements to my practice routine.
What is your go-to tip for beginners?
Learn to throw Piwakawakas, haha. In all seriousness, I wish I had learned more about touch when I first started. Like many, I fell into the trap of “I want to throw as hard and as far as possible” and it didn’t serve my game well. Learn to control the flight of a disc then go for the distance.
Favourite Disc
Plastic Type: Atomic
Comment: "My favorite disc is my cosmic Huia. I got my first ace in 2023 with my Huia and ever since I have really not been able to replace that disc. Flies so perfectly for me."
Player Stats
“Somedays suck and other days there’s disc golf”