Joshua Delp
Team Crown
Disc Golf Career
Started Disc Golf in 2014
How did you discover Disc Golf?
I started Disc golfing because a coworker took me with him one day and it was just something new and interesting to me. I played on and off for a year or two with the only other 2 Disc Golfers in my area. Then around 2017, we finally got a legit disc golf course in my town about 2 miles from my house and that's when I started to fall in love with the sport and the competitive side of the sport. I just loved watching the disc fly and I just wanted to be able to do the things I saw better players do with the disc. I hope now that new players that I get to play with have the same feelings and motivations for the sport so that it can continue to grow!
What is your proudest Disc Golf moment?
I have a few moments that are quite different. Some are to do with milestones with my YouTube channel and others with my actual Disc Golf career. For the sake of this I'll go with Career. I would say my Proudest moment was my first ever Pro Win. It was a two Day Tournament and was my last tournament I was going to be able to play right before my Son was born. I was able to get a lead and go into the second day with a straight battle all the way to the last hole. I made some really huge putts to stay in halfway through the last round. I was able to save with those and made a big putt to take one stroke with 3 holes left and was able to finish out and take the W. The moment I realized I do have the ability to win in a bigger and stronger field.
What are your practice routines?
My practice routine is generally one that is heavily focused on approach game and putting. I spend a lot of time around my house with my 2 kids so when I get the time I go outside and I will throw from around 100' over and over again changing the angle of the discs and practicing different approach shot shapes. I don't get to go to the course a lot for practice because I film a lot when I do go to course. I recently have been incorporating the TechDisc into a net at my house as well to work on Speed and nose angle which ive seen some really good improvements on that side with spending days focusing on purely speed and then other days only nose angle at a much lower power.
What is your go-to tip for beginners?
The most important tip for beginners is generally to get comfortable around the putting green and practice putting yourself in a place you are comfortable with making a putt. If you are not comfortable with putting from 35' and are a beginner then you should more than likely be safe and putt the disc under the basket and take that score than completely missing the putt and having a similar putt on your comeback.
Upshot practice can really help on the putting green as well. If you get really good at 100 foot upshots and can get close most of the times then it takes the stress off of your putting game.
Favourite Disc
Plastic Type: Platinum
Comment: "The PekaPeka was one of the first RPM Discs that I Reviewed. I have a YouTube channel and was introduced to the brand by my Buddy Josh Baysinger who also has a YouTube channel. One shot the I love is a hyzerflip and that is a shot that the Pekapeka is perfect for when thrown. Aside from the flight, I am a huge Batman fan and well, the PekaPeka is a Bat lol so it was just a perfect fit for me!"
Player Stats
You Can't Win a tournament in the first round but you can lose it