Zachary Smith
Team Parliament
Disc Golf Career
Started Disc Golf in 2019
How did you discover Disc Golf?
I discovered Disc Golf because of a friend named Ian. He bought us starter sets for my birthday and we went out and gave it a try. Honestly what made me fall in love at first was just being out in nature and the sound of the chains. However what really hooked me was the amazing local community! I have made some amazing friends and the local community has become a second family to me!
What is your proudest Disc Golf moment?
My proudest moment so far is a combination of two things. First qualify for the NADGT Championships in 2023. It took me quite a few local tournaments to earn my spot but I finally made it happen! My other proud moment is putting in the hard work and many tournaments to earn an invite to this up coming 2024 AM Worlds. My biggest goal was to earn the points I needed to get an invite and with the NADGT Championship I gained more then enough!
What are your practice routines?
I just really enjoy being out playing so I would say my routine is just going out and playing full rounds with friends. I do not really practice other then when I'm playing rounds.
What is your go-to tip for beginners?
Whatever you do stick to the slower speed neutral discs for a while, and more importantly have fun with it!
Favourite Disc
Plastic Type: Glow
Comment: "The Kea was the first RPM Disc I feel in love with due to its consistent flight for my upshots. "
Player Stats
Its not me against anyone else. It is me against the course.