Team Achievements – February 2023
Explore Team RPM's February 2023 Results[posts_table post_type="player_result" columns="cf:position,cf:player,cf:team,title:Event,cf:tier,cf:division,cf:result_date:Date" search_term="2023-02"]
Team Achievements – January 2023
Welcome done to all of Team RPM who competed this January and a big shout out to all of our top achievers! You rock!
Team Achievements – November 2022
This November was quiet for Team RPM as the world approaches the December holidays. The spotlight event of the month look place down in Oceania as many members of the team gathered for the Australian Disc Golf Championships. Many of our team took spots in the top 10 in their division at the highly populated A tier event: Simon Feasey and Blake Houston tied 7th in the MPO, shooting 15 under par, and in the MP40 division, Anthony Rodgers secured 4th place with a bogey. In first place of the FA1 division, Alexandra Williams shot 24 over par with round ratings well above her current rating (nice!), and in FA2, Claire Bruton placed 3rd. Mark Boland took 9th place in the Recreational division, while Tim Wright played well to place 3rd in the Novice division – notably shooting 85 above his player rating in round 3!
Well done to you all, as well as everyone else from the Team who supported RPM Discs at the Australian Disc Golf Championships. What an excellent 3 days of Disc Golf!
Alek Anderson – Player Spotlight
Alek Anderson joined Team RPM Tribe earlier this year and has already made quite the mark. He plays in the Advanced PDGA division and has accomplished a rating of 950+. Over the last two months (October and November) he has played 7 tournaments, bringing him to a total of 15 events this year, and he has yet to play more before the season finishes out! This is the display of hard work and effort that we value in our team members. Great work, Alek!
Mark Dakiv- Player Spotlight
Mark Dakiv is a long time Disc Golfer, having played as a PDGA member for over 12 years consecutively, with a total of over 100 tournaments to show for it. He is also a strong ambassador and representative of RPM Discs, holding a spot in our elite team, Parliament.
This October, Mark played two RPM sponsored tournaments in Auckland at Bethells Beach, the RPM Triple Crown Series and the Battle for Pae o te Rangi. For the MPO of the RPM Triple Crown, Mark won first place shooting 7 under par, and then at the Battle for Pae o te Rangi, he came in second with 25 under par and two impressive rounds rated above 1020! Nice work!
Brandon Taylor – Player Spotlight
Brandon Taylor is one of our most active players of Tribe. He is out competing on the course in multiple events each month. Just this year he has played in total of 26 tournaments, honing his skill and gaining experience, and he has many more events to come.
This October, Brandon competed in 4 events, securing top 5 in each of them. On the 2nd he placed 1st in the Burnet Woods C Tier event, shooting 12 under par in the MA3 division. Then again on the 9th he took 1st place at the Crossover OG Open, this time shooting 5 under par and performing 30-40 above his current PDGA rating. At Battle of the Burg, he continued to play consistently, shooting 5 under par. Then to finish off the month at the Crossover Golf Burg Open, he placed 4th for his fourth competition of the month.
Team Achievements – October 2022
Congratulations to all of our top finishes for October! Very impressive work, keep it up 🙂
Jake Anderson – Player Spotlight
Jake Anderson has achieved the impressive feat of competing at the most tournaments out of all members of Team RPM. Currently with still 3 months left in this Disc Golf season, Jake has already played 41 MPO division tournaments, and he isn’t slowing down. Last August, Jake competed 5 tournaments and placed top 5 in three of them. In the Smokin Aces at Sioux MPO division, Jake took first place shooting 12 under par. His next win was claimed the Carrollton BA 2 one round event, where he shot one under par. On August the 20th, Jake then competed at the Meramec Meltdown tournament to place second with 14 under par.
Team Achievements: September 2022
Congratulations to all of our top finishes for September! A special shoutout to Jenny Umstead and Barrett White who competed in the 2022 PDGA Tim Selinske US Masters Championships, both securing a place in the top 5. Very impressive work!
Eilish Cummack – Player Spotlight
Eilish Cummack joined Team RPM Tribe eariler this year and since joining she has played 9 tournaments. As of July, Eilish has gone on a winstreak in the FA1 division claiming 5 first places and 1 second place. Just in August, Eilish competed in the WGE, the Midwinter Classic, and the Cold Snap Open. In the WGE, Eilish eagled for second place in the FA1 division, throwing a high round rating of 871. Eilish then came in first with 2 over par in the Midwinter Classic. In the Cold Snap Open she also came first place with a 1 over par and a 7 stroke lead.