Seth Humphrey #147276

Player Information:

Country: United States

Birth Year: 2000

Started Playing Disc Golf in: 2016

Career Wins: 5

Highest PDGA Rating: 949

Team: Tribe


Tournament Details:

Position: 1st Place

Tournament: Brangus One Round Challenge

Tier: C

Division: MA1


Position: 3rd Place

Tournament: Razorbackology 4.0 Flex Start

Tier: C

Division: MA1


Position: 3rd Place

Tournament: Vintage Open Pro/Am 

Tier: B

Division: MA1


Position: 5th Place

Tournament:  Beacon Ink One Round Challenge 

Tier: C

Division: MA1

Seth Humphrey is one of RPM Discs’s new Tribe members of the 2022 disc golf season. Already he has played nine PDGA tournaments this year, five of them in April. He shot a 2 under par at the Brangus One Round Challenge to take first place in the Amateur division, shooting a round rating of 983. In three of his other tournaments he placed in the top 5 of his division. 

He is ever improving, and we can expect to see his name making many more appearances on the Team Achievements for the months to follow.

Seth Humphrey’s comments on the tournaments:

Getting to play in so many tournaments in a week was a dream! I met a lot of great people in the disc golf community and playing in the MPO, I gained a lot of experience. I also received my 20 RPM disc package which made it even better.

My highlight of the week was turkeying during the MPO tournament. I was +1 heading into hole 12. This was an island hole that I threw my Cosmic Kiwi on and made the island. I hit my putt for the first birdie of the day. I then proceeded to birdie 13 and threw another Cosmic kiwi on my upshot on 14 to birdie the par 4. This showed me that I have the potential to keep improving.

My win during the week was at a flex-start at one of the courses in my college town. I managed to time the weather perfectly. I was the last one on the course and it had just stopped raining when my group started. This gave me an advantage and I managed to win this event by shooting -2.”

Featured Discs:


  • Kiwi – “Throwing the Kiwi all week helped me fight the wind. I can always rely on it to finish and not flip over.”


  • Ruru – “My putting was what held my game together throughout the week. I switched to the Ruru’s when I received my package and I am in love!”

On behalf of us here at RPM Discs, congratulations on your 1st place win, Seth! We absolutely love to see members of our team competing so actively and frequently. It is inspiring! Keep it up, we look forward to seeing you continue to grow as a player. 

Meet the Team

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