Carina Weidner
Team Crown
Disc Golf Career
Started Disc Golf in 2017
How did you discover Disc Golf?
In 2017 my boyfriend introduced me to disc golf. It didn't take long and it was hooked. I just love that you're in the nature, that you can go for a round whenever you want and especially the community.
After I played my first tournament in New Zealand in 2018 and my trip turned into a disc golf vacation, there was no turning back.
What is your proudest Disc Golf moment?
After a tournament we had a tied first place between two other women and me. We had to play three holes in repeat to find the winner of the tournament. It took us 6 long holes with a good crowd until the playoff was done. I was able to win with a proper putt on an elevanted basket. That cost some nerves but I am proud that I could stand the pressure and win the tournament.
What are your practice routines?
My main practice is going on the course, playing a round. Within a round you're confronted with so many different situations that could happen during a tournament and you lern how to handle those.
Just recently we we're able to find a location for indoor training. We're using this space to do some putting, fitness and driving technique with a net and video analysis.
What is your go-to tip for beginners?
Just do what feels right and what brings you joy. In the beginning it's all about getting hooked. A soon as you are, you can focus on one thing after the other. Find yourself a group of fun people if you enjoy company or just enjoy your me time on the course.
And whatever you want to do, do it in your own pace.
Favourite Disc
Plastic Type: Magma
Comment: "I just love all of my trusty Keas but my absolute favorites are Magma Soft! "
Player Stats
“Many shots are missed in life because we fail to drop our baggage and give full concentration to our true goals.” – Patrick McCormick