Josh Baysinger
Team Tribe
Disc Golf Career
Started Disc Golf in 2009
How did you discover Disc Golf?
Years ago I was a guitar player in a metal band. The vocalist for the band was a casual disc golfer and asked me to go play a round at disc golf. I had yet to hear of disc golf so my initial reaction was not positive as he described it as a game where you throw discs that are like frisbees into baskets in the woods. At first, I was not interested. He kept on trying to get me to try it out so I finally did. It was love at first round! I have been playing disc golf ever since!
What is your proudest Disc Golf moment?
That would probably have to be when players come up to me on the course and tell me how much they love my disc golf channel on youtube. I have actually had a couple people tell me that my channel is the reason they got into disc golf which absolutely blows my mind! Check it out at Baysinger's Disc Golf Channel!
What are your practice routines?
Mostly just practice putts and quick rounds on a small 9 hole course that I helped design.
What is your go-to tip for beginners?
Stay away from drivers! Start with putters and mid-ranges and work your way up!
Favourite Disc
Plastic Type: Atomic
Comment: "My absolute favorite disc in the RPM Discs lineup is the Magma Soft Tui! I love them for putting and throwing!"
Player Stats
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